Privacy Policy

ConDoor Door Solutions attaches great value to protecting your privacy and therefore we carefully process and protect your (personal) details (data). In this privacy statement we explain which personal data we collect and use and for which purpose.

Processing personal data
ConDoor Door Solutions can process your personal data because you use our service and/or because you have provided this data to us yourself. For instance, you can provide us your contact details if you want to communicate with us, if you want more information about the service we provide, if you want to apply for a job within our organisation or if you want to do business with us. We will then process this personal data to perform our service and/or to provide you with information. Without this personal data, it would be impossible for us to provide our service and/or to provide you with information. We only use your personal data to process your request.

It is also possibly for us to acquire via a third party information that indirectly relates to you. When we do so, we ask the third party concerned to guarantee that it has acquired the information in a legally allowed way and that we are entitled to acquire and use this information from the party concerned.

We are interested in the data that provides information about how our website is used, for instance the number of visitors in a certain period, the countries our visitors come from and which pages are visited the most. To do this, we can record your IP address and domain name. To be able to adapt the facilities and functions to the user’s equipment, we also record the type of browser you use to visit our website. The information obtained is the property of ConDoor Door Solutions.

The ConDoor Door Solutions website also uses functional cookies. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent with pages of this website and that is stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. We use cookies to remember your settings and preferences. You can turn off these cookies via your browser. The way this is done differs per browser, if required consult your browser’s help function. Each browser allows you to set that you don’t want to receive any cookies, however, this limits how you will experience the website. Our website also installs cookies from Google, the American company, as part of the ‘Analytics’ service. We use this service to track and receive reports on how visitors use the website. Google can supply this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so or for as far as third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no influence on this.

Use of personal data
ConDoor Door Solutions collects and uses your personal data to provide you with the information and services that you request and to manage the website. ConDoor Door Solutions can also use your personal data to provide you with up-to-date information about the services provided by ConDoor Door Solutions. In addition, we can use your personal data to carry out research and to make analyses, with the objective of improving both our website and our services.

ConDoor Door Solutions requires a legal basis to be allowed to process your personal data. ConDoor Door Solutions will process your personal data based on processing principles including the execution of an agreement, a legal obligation or with your permission. If you permit your data to be processed, you are always entitled to withdraw your permission.

Your privacy is respected by all of our employees. The information and personal data are handled confidentially, also by third parties that are responsible for ensuring that your data is stored securely, and will not be used for other purposes than mentioned.

Forwarding to third parties
ConDoor Door Solutions will not sell, rent or lease customer lists to third parties. ConDoor Door Solutions will never disclose your personal data, without announcing this, with the exception of when this is legally required or when we, in good faith, believe that such an action is required to:

meet a legal request; or
to protect and defend the rights or property of ConDoor Door Solutions; or
to act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of ConDoor Door Solutions’ users or the public.
In some cases, the personal data you have provided can be processed by third parties. For instance, ConDoor Door Solutions can contract a supplier to carry out administrative and operational activities to support our business relationship with you. Our suppliers are bound by contractual and other legal obligations to handle your personal data confidentially and to respect your privacy. They will only have access to the personal data they require to carry out their activities. If obliged, we will enter into a processing agreement with this third party.

Storage of personal data
The basic principle related to storing personal data is that none of the data will be kept for longer than necessary. ConDoor Door Solutions will therefore keep personal data no longer than is strictly necessary to realise the objectives for which the data was collected. An exception to this is the data that we must keep longer because we are legally obliged to do so.

Security of personal data
ConDoor Door Solutions ensures that your personal data is appropriately secured organisationally, technically and physically. ConDoor Door Solutions stores the personal data you supply to computer servers securely in a controlled secure environment, protected against unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

Automated decision making
ConDoor Door Solutions does not take decisions based on automated processes regarding issues that can have (significant) consequences for people.

Your rights
Among other things, you have the right to information, inspection or rectification, removal, limiting the processing or the right of data portability.

If you want to make use of your rights, you can send a specified request to To be sure that it is you that is making the request, we ask you to send a copy of your identity document with the request. In this copy, black out the photo, MRZ (Machine Readable Zone, the strip with numbers on the bottom of the passport), passport number and the Citizen Service Number (Burgerservicenummer – BSN). This is to protect your privacy. ConDoor Door Solutions will respond to your request as soon as possible, but in any case within four weeks.

Changes to the privacy statement
This privacy statement can be changed. ConDoor Door Solutions will regularly update the privacy statement to reflect both company and customer feedback. ConDoor Door Solutions advises you to periodically read this statement to remain up to date with how ConDoor Door Solutions protects your information.

ConDoor Door Solutions will be pleased to receive any comments you have regarding this privacy statement. If you are of the opinion that ConDoor Door Solutions has not acted in compliance with this statement, please contact Rik van der Vlugt via or by telephone on +31(0)36 – 52 19 141. ConDoor Door Solutions also wants to point out to you that you have the possibility to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, being the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.